🎯 Research Grants
🎯 Research Grants
Active Grants
[2025-2028] Major Research and Development Program
Ministry of Science and Technology of China (2024YFB3714003)
- Project: “Large-scale 300°C heat-resistant aluminum alloy casting manufacturing technology”
- Role: Core Member
[2025-2029] Major Research and Development Program
Ministry of Science and Technology of China (2024YFA1209800)
- Project: “Research on structural construction and mechanism of high-performance 3D nanowire network enhanced metal-based composites”
- Role: Core Member
[2024-2025] Young Talent Program
Xi’an Association for Science and Technology (9592024130699)
- Project: “Modeling and optimization of fracture and fatigue behavior of composites under service environments”
- Role: Principal Investigator
[2024-2027] Young Scientists Fund
National Natural Science Foundation of China (12302140)
- Project: “Mechanical modeling and configuration control of 2D materials under environmental effects”
- Role: Principal Investigator
[2023-2026] Basic Research Program
Central Universities (sxzy012023213)
- Project: “Study on fracture and fatigue mechanisms of 2D materials based on atomic information”
- Role: Principal Investigator
[2023-2025] Postdoctoral Research Fund-B
National Postdoctoral Program (GZB20230575)
- Project: “Study on fracture and fatigue mechanisms of 2D materials based on atomic information”
- Role: Principal Investigator
[2023-2024] 73rd Batch Postdoctoral Program
National Postdoctoral Program (2023M732794)
- Project: “Research on mechanical modeling and configuration evolution behavior of 2D materials under environmental interactions”
- Role: Principal Investigator